sitting: n.1.坐,就座,就席,坐的姿势;充当(绘画[摄影]的)模特儿。2.开会,开庭;会期,开庭期间。3.(坐)一次,一气,一股劲儿。4.孵卵;孵卵数;孵卵期。短语和例子Can you give me six sittings 你可以让我画六次吗? The sitting is open [is called to order]. 现在开会了。 an opening [a fin
Humpty dumpty sat on a wall . . . humpty dumpty had a great fall . all the king ' s horses and all the king ' s men could not put him back together again 傻蛋先生坐在墙上,一个不小心却掉下去,所有国王的人马都无法让它复原。